Publications (25)
When the time is right: Men's experiences of recovery in self-harm.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date:
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
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Recovery-oriented practice in a hospital mental health service.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date:
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year:
The effect of a culturally sensitive mental well-being module on Pakistani nursing students' knowledge and beliefs regarding their own mental health and illness.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2021
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2021
Conceptualisation of personal recovery in a private hospital mental health service.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
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Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year:
Nursing students' mental health: How does eco-anxiety effect?
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
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Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year:
Testing a recovery-oriented nursing communication framework to encourage collaboration and discussion about aggression prevention: A mixed methods study.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date:
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year:
Nurses' experiences of racism in mental health settings through patient and family interactions: A systematic review.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date:
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year:
Acceptability, engagement and exploratory outcomes and costs of a co-designed intervention to support children of parents with a mental illness: Mixed-methods evaluation and descriptive analysis.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date:
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year:
Pathways and transitions for patients admitted to an emergency department after self-harming events.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date:
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year:
Lived experience allyship in mental health services: Recommendations for improved uptake of allyship roles in support of peer workforces.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
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Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year:
Caregiving experiences of families of persons with serious mental health problems in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2014
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2014
Barriers to accessing mental health services in Somali-Australian women: a qualitative study.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2021
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2021
Service users' perceptions of recovery from recent-onset psychosis and their long journey to and through psychiatric treatment.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2023
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2023
Self-harm in secure settings: Exploring the lived experiences of people who self-harm in secure hospitals.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2023
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2023
Measuring Disability in Consumers of mental health services - psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) in Ghana.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2021
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2021
Measures and narratives of the nature, causes and consequences of violent assaults and risk perception of psychiatric hospitals in Ghana: Mental Health workers' perspectives.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2021
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2021
Qualitative process evaluation of a problem-solving and Story-bridge based mental health literacy program with community leaders in Ghana.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2021
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2021
Individual factors that influence experiences and perceptions of stigma and discrimination towards people with mental illness in Ghana.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2018
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2018
Impact of Partnership in Coping in mental health recovery: an experimental study at the Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Kaduna.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2011
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2011
Demographic factors and clinical correlates of burden and distress in relatives of service users experiencing schizophrenia: a study from south-western Nigeria.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2006
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2006
Stigma of mental illness and substance misuse in sub-Saharan African migrants: A qualitative study.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2018
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2018
Caregiver experience in mental illness: a perspective from a rural community in South Africa.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2009
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2009
Self and public stigma towards mental illnesses and its predictors among university students in 11 Arabic-speaking countries: A multi-site study.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date: 2023
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: 2023
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Psychotic Severity Among Inpatients With Primary Psychoses: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date:
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year:
Co-Designing Case Scenarios and Survey Strategies to Examine the Classification and Reporting of Restrictive Care Practices in Adult Mental Health Inpatient Settings: Perspectives From International Stakeholders.
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication date:
Journal: International journal of mental health nursing
Publication Year: