, New Haven, CT, USA.
Publications (152)
X-chromosome-wide association study for Alzheimer's disease.
Journal: Molecular psychiatry
Publication date:
Journal: Molecular psychiatry
Publication Year:
The 2023 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: the imperative for a health-centred response in a world facing irreversible harms.
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication date: 2023
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication Year: 2023
The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action.
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication Year:
The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels.
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication Year: 2022
Using phosphatidylethanol as an adjunct to self-reported alcohol use improves identification of liver fibrosis risk.
Journal: The American journal of gastroenterology
Publication date:
Journal: The American journal of gastroenterology
Publication Year:
Community-informed perspectives of implementing interpersonal psychotherapy for couples to reduce situational intimate partner violence and improve common mental disorders in Mozambique.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Global action on problematic usage of the internet: announcing a Lancet Psychiatry Commission.
Journal: The lancet. Psychiatry
Publication date:
Journal: The lancet. Psychiatry
Publication Year:
Ethnic identity and social support as mediators between childhood sexual abuse and depression among black men who have sex with men.
Journal: Child abuse & neglect
Publication date:
Journal: Child abuse & neglect
Publication Year:
Mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: An international comparison of gender-related home and work-related responsibilities, and social support.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date:
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year:
The Brain Tumor Segmentation - Metastases (BraTS-METS) Challenge 2023: Brain Metastasis Segmentation on Pre-treatment MRI.
Journal: ArXiv
Publication date:
Journal: ArXiv
Publication Year:
Mapping the availability of translated versions of posttraumatic stress disorder screening questionnaires for adults: A scoping review.
Journal: European journal of psychotraumatology
Publication date:
Journal: European journal of psychotraumatology
Publication Year:
Integration of passive sensing technology to enhance delivery of psychological interventions for mothers with depression: the StandStrong study.
Journal: Scientific reports
Publication date: 2024
Journal: Scientific reports
Publication Year: 2024
Integration of passive sensing technology to enhance delivery of psychological interventions for mothers with depression: the StandStrong study.
Journal: Scientific reports
Publication date: 2024
Journal: Scientific reports
Publication Year: 2024
Genome-wide association study identifies 30 obsessive-compulsive disorder associated loci.
Journal: medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences
Publication date:
Journal: medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences
Publication Year:
The short version of the Sexual Distress Scale (SDS-3): Measurement invariance across countries, gender identities, and sexual orientations.
Journal: International journal of clinical and health psychology : IJCHP
Publication date:
Journal: International journal of clinical and health psychology : IJCHP
Publication Year:
Comparative effectiveness of remote digital gamified and group CBT skills training interventions for anxiety and depression among college students: Results of a three-arm randomised controlled trial.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date:
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year:
Genome-wide association analyses identify 95 risk loci and provide insights into the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Journal: Nature genetics
Publication date:
Journal: Nature genetics
Publication Year:
Multi-ancestry meta-analysis of tobacco use disorder identifies 461 potential risk genes and reveals associations with multiple health outcomes.
Journal: Nature human behaviour
Publication date:
Journal: Nature human behaviour
Publication Year:
Multi-ancestry meta-analysis of tobacco use disorder identifies 461 potential risk genes and reveals associations with multiple health outcomes.
Journal: Nature human behaviour
Publication date:
Journal: Nature human behaviour
Publication Year:
Priorities for HIV and chronic pain research: results from a survey of individuals with lived experience.
Journal: AIDS care
Publication date:
Journal: AIDS care
Publication Year:
Mental health training for health workers in Africa: a systematic review.
Journal: The lancet. Psychiatry
Publication date: 2017
Journal: The lancet. Psychiatry
Publication Year: 2017
Reduced cortical thickness in right Heschl's gyrus associated with auditory verbal hallucinations severity in first-episode schizophrenia.
Journal: BMC psychiatry
Publication date: 2016
Journal: BMC psychiatry
Publication Year: 2016
Perceived Physical and Mental Health and Healthy Eating Habits During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Korea.
Journal: Journal of Korean medical science
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Journal of Korean medical science
Publication Year: 2022
The growth of peer support: an international charter.
Journal: Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England)
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England)
Publication Year: 2020
Armed Conflict, Intimate Partner Violence, and Mental Distress of Women in Northeastern Uganda: A Mixed Methods Study.
Journal: Psychology of women quarterly
Publication date:
Journal: Psychology of women quarterly
Publication Year:
Social network correlates of free and purchased insecticide-treated bed nets in rural Uganda.
Journal: Malaria journal
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Malaria journal
Publication Year: 2022
An international research agenda for clozapine-resistant schizophrenia.
Journal: The lancet. Psychiatry
Publication date: 2023
Journal: The lancet. Psychiatry
Publication Year: 2023
Men's exposure to human rights violations and relations with perpetration of intimate partner violence in South Africa.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2012
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2012
Looking at non-communicable diseases in Uganda through a local lens: an analysis using locally derived data.
Journal: Globalization and health
Publication date: 2015
Journal: Globalization and health
Publication Year: 2015
Effective interventions and strategies for improving early child development.
Journal: BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
Publication date: 2015
Journal: BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
Publication Year: 2015
Investing in the foundation of sustainable development: pathways to scale up for early childhood development.
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication date: 2017
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication Year: 2017
Largest GWAS of PTSD (N=20 070) yields genetic overlap with schizophrenia and sex differences in heritability.
Journal: Molecular psychiatry
Publication date: 2019
Journal: Molecular psychiatry
Publication Year: 2019
Cortical abnormalities in bipolar disorder: an MRI analysis of 6503 individuals from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group.
Journal: Molecular psychiatry
Publication date: 2019
Journal: Molecular psychiatry
Publication Year: 2019
Genetically determined schizophrenia is not associated with impaired glucose homeostasis.
Journal: Schizophrenia research
Publication date: 2018
Journal: Schizophrenia research
Publication Year: 2018
A complex intervention to improve implementation of World Health Organization guidelines for diagnosis of severe illness in low-income settings: a quasi-experimental study from Uganda.
Journal: Implementation science : IS
Publication date: 2018
Journal: Implementation science : IS
Publication Year: 2018
Scaling up Integrated Early Childhood Development programs: lessons from four countries.
Journal: Child: care, health and development
Publication date: 2018
Journal: Child: care, health and development
Publication Year: 2018
Mental Health Diagnostic Frameworks, Imputed Causes of Mental Illness, and Alternative Treatments in Northern Tanzania: Exploring Mental Health Providers' Perspectives.
Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry
Publication date: 2018
Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry
Publication Year: 2018
The impact of treatment delivery format on response to cognitive behaviour therapy for preadolescent children with anxiety disorders.
Journal: Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines
Publication date: 2019
Journal: Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines
Publication Year: 2019
Including gaming disorder in the ICD-11: The need to do so from a clinical and public health perspective.
Journal: Journal of behavioral addictions
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Journal of behavioral addictions
Publication Year: 2020
Machine Learning for Large-Scale Quality Control of 3D Shape Models in Neuroimaging.
Journal: Machine learning in medical imaging. MLMI (Workshop)
Publication date:
Journal: Machine learning in medical imaging. MLMI (Workshop)
Publication Year: