, Mbarara, Uganda.

Publications (163)

Psychiatric morbidity among physically ill patients in a Ugandan Regional Referral Hospital.

Journal: African health sciences

Publication date: 2013

Journal: African health sciences

Publication Year: 2013

Authors & Co-authors:  Rukundo Z G ZG Musisi S S Nakasujja N N

Home foreclosure, health, and mental health: a systematic review of individual, aggregate, and contextual associations.

Journal: PloS one

Publication date: 2016

Journal: PloS one

Publication Year: 2016

Authors & Co-authors:  Tsai Alexander C AC

Syndemics of psychosocial problems and HIV risk: A systematic review of empirical tests of the disease interaction concept.

Journal: Social science & medicine (1982)

Publication date: 2016

Journal: Social science & medicine (1982)

Publication Year: 2016

Authors & Co-authors:  Tsai Alexander C AC Burns Bridget F O BF

Communal bereavement and resilience in the aftermath of a terrorist event: Evidence from a natural experiment.

Journal: Social science & medicine (1982)

Publication date: 2016

Journal: Social science & medicine (1982)

Publication Year: 2016

Authors & Co-authors:  Tsai Alexander C AC Venkataramani Atheendar S AS