, London, UK.
Publications (1411)
Remembering the forgotten non-communicable diseases.
Journal: BMC medicine
Publication date: 2015
Journal: BMC medicine
Publication Year: 2015
Tedium vitae, death wishes, suicidal ideation and attempts in Kenya-prevalence and risk factors.
Journal: BMC public health
Publication date: 2016
Journal: BMC public health
Publication Year: 2016
Nurse-led palliative care for HIV-positive patients taking antiretroviral therapy in Kenya: a randomised controlled trial.
Journal: The lancet. HIV
Publication date: 2016
Journal: The lancet. HIV
Publication Year: 2016
How Do Clinicians Prefer Cultural Competence Training? Findings from the DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview Field Trial.
Journal: Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry
Publication date: 2017
Publication Year: 2017
Social protection: potential for improving HIV outcomes among adolescents.
Journal: Journal of the International AIDS Society
Publication date: 2016
Journal: Journal of the International AIDS Society
Publication Year: 2016
Health in times of uncertainty in the eastern Mediterranean region, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.
Journal: The Lancet. Global health
Publication date: 2017
Journal: The Lancet. Global health
Publication Year: 2017
Improving education, policy and research in mental health worldwide: the role of the WPA Collaborating Centres.
Journal: World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
Publication date:
Journal: World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
Publication Year:
Non-communicable disease syndemics: poverty, depression, and diabetes among low-income populations.
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication date: 2018
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication Year: 2018
A systematic review of physical activity policy recommendations and interventions for people with mental health problems in Sub-Saharan African countries.
Journal: The Pan African medical journal
Publication date: 2017
Journal: The Pan African medical journal
Publication Year: 2017
Malaria and mental disorder: a population study in an area endemic for malaria in Kenya.
Journal: World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
Publication date:
Journal: World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
Publication Year:
Developing the science and methods of community engagement for genomic research and biobanking in Africa.
Journal: Global health, epidemiology and genomics
Publication date:
Journal: Global health, epidemiology and genomics
Publication Year:
Active ingredients of a person-centred intervention for people on HIV treatment: analysis of mixed methods trial data.
Journal: BMC infectious diseases
Publication date: 2018
Journal: BMC infectious diseases
Publication Year: 2018
Social determinants of mental disorders and the Sustainable Development Goals: a systematic review of reviews.
Journal: The lancet. Psychiatry
Publication date: 2019
Journal: The lancet. Psychiatry
Publication Year: 2019
Psychometric evaluation of the Major Depression Inventory among young people living in Coastal Kenya.
Journal: Wellcome open research
Publication date:
Journal: Wellcome open research
Publication Year:
High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: time for a revolution.
Journal: The Lancet. Global health
Publication date: 2019
Journal: The Lancet. Global health
Publication Year: 2019
Changing patterns of mental health knowledge in rural Kenya after intervention using the WHO mhGAP-Intervention Guide.
Journal: Psychological medicine
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Psychological medicine
Publication Year: 2020
Modified cantilever arrays improve sensitivity and reproducibility of nanomechanical sensing in living cells.
Journal: Communications biology
Publication date:
Journal: Communications biology
Publication Year:
Development of the certificate course in the management of hypertension in Africa (CCMH-Africa): proceedings of the first continental faculty meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, 25-26 February 2018.
Journal: Cardiovascular journal of Africa
Publication date: 2019
Journal: Cardiovascular journal of Africa
Publication Year: 2019
Can mental health treatments help prevent or reduce intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income countries? A systematic review.
Journal: BMC women's health
Publication date: 2019
Journal: BMC women's health
Publication Year: 2019
Screening and supporting through schools: educational experiences and needs of adolescents living with HIV in a South African cohort.
Journal: BMC public health
Publication date: 2019
Journal: BMC public health
Publication Year: 2019
Injury and depression among 212 039 individuals in 40 low- and middle-income countries.
Journal: Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences
Publication Year: 2020
Effectiveness of interventions for dementia in low- and middle-income countries: protocol for a systematic review, pairwise and network meta-analysis.
Journal: BMJ open
Publication date: 2020
Journal: BMJ open
Publication Year: 2020
Mapping 123 million neonatal, infant and child deaths between 2000 and 2017.
Journal: Nature
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Nature
Publication Year: 2020
Associations of antenatal maternal psychological distress with infant birth and development outcomes: Results from a South African birth cohort.
Journal: Comprehensive psychiatry
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Comprehensive psychiatry
Publication Year: 2020
Comparing Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) with Timeline Follow Back (TLFB), DSM-5 and Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) for the assessment of alcohol misuse among young people in Ugandan fishing communities.
Journal: Addictive behaviors reports
Publication date:
Journal: Addictive behaviors reports
Publication Year:
Burden of injury along the development spectrum: associations between the Socio-demographic Index and disability-adjusted life year estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.
Journal: Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Publication Year: 2021
Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.
Journal: Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Publication Year: 2021
The contribution of qualitative research within the PRECISE study in sub-Saharan Africa.
Journal: Reproductive health
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Reproductive health
Publication Year: 2021
Factors associated with the onset of major depressive disorder in adults with type 2 diabetes living in 12 different countries: results from the INTERPRET-DD prospective study.
Journal: Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences
Publication Year: 2020
Institutionalisation and deinstitutionalisation of children 2: policy and practice recommendations for global, national, and local actors.
Journal: The Lancet. Child & adolescent health
Publication date: 2020
Journal: The Lancet. Child & adolescent health
Publication Year: 2020
Psychological therapies for women who experience intimate partner violence.
Journal: The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
Publication date: 2020
Journal: The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
Publication Year: 2020
A systematic review and meta-analysis of dementia prevalence in seven developing countries: A STRiDE project.
Journal: Global public health
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Global public health
Publication Year: 2021
Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study.
Journal: Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Publication Year: 2021
Effect of collaborative care between traditional and faith healers and primary health-care workers on psychosis outcomes in Nigeria and Ghana (COSIMPO): a cluster randomised controlled trial.
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Lancet (London, England)
Publication Year: 2020
Gender-based violence and its association with mental health among Somali women in a Kenyan refugee camp: a latent class analysis.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date:
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year:
Attachment goes to court: child protection and custody issues.
Journal: Attachment & human development
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Attachment & human development
Publication Year: 2022
Understanding Mental Health in the Context of Adolescent Pregnancy and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review Identifying a Critical Evidence Gap.
Journal: AIDS and behavior
Publication date: 2021
Journal: AIDS and behavior
Publication Year: 2021
The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based conclusions about the disorder.
Journal: Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews
Publication Year: 2021
Clinic and care: associations with adolescent antiretroviral therapy adherence in a prospective cohort in South Africa.
Journal: AIDS (London, England)
Publication date: 2021
Journal: AIDS (London, England)
Publication Year: 2021
Perceptions of Ghanaian traditional health practitioners, primary health care workers, service users and caregivers regarding collaboration for mental health care.
Journal: BMC health services research
Publication date: 2021
Journal: BMC health services research
Publication Year: 2021