Scientific reports

Publications (161)

eHealth tools use and mental health: a cross-sectional network analysis in a representative sample.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Ochnik Cholewa-Wiktor Jakubiak Pataj

Exploring the impact of immersive virtual reality on depression knowledge and stigma reduction: a cross-over RCT fMRI study.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Lem Kawata Oyama

The burden of atopic dermatitis in Portuguese patients: an observational study.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Coelho Apalhão Victorino Cardoso Camilo Silva

Motor imagery ability scores are related to cortical activation during gait imagery.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Putzolu Samogin Bonassi Cosentino Mezzarobba Botta Avanzino Mantini Vato Pelosin

A case-control study on health-related quality of life of systemic lupus erythematosus patients.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Refai Hussein Abdou Abou-Raya

The fear of COVID-19 contagion: an exploratory EEG-fMRI study.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Federico Ciccarelli Noce Cavaliere Ilardi Tramontano Alfano Mele Di Cecca Salvatore

The role of school functioning, physical activity, BMI, sex and age in building resilience among Ukrainian refugee children in Poland.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Korcz Cieśla Urbański

Eye-tracking does not reveal early attention processing of sexual copulatory movement in heterosexual men and women.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Vaníček Krejčová Hůla Potyszová Klapilová Bártová

Toxoplasma gondii infection associated with inflammasome activation and neuronal injury.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Andreou Steen Mørch-Johnsen Jørgensen Wortinger Barth Szabo O'Connell Lekva Hjell

Intergenerational continuity of loneliness and potential mechanisms: Young Finns Multigenerational Study.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Elovainio Komulainen Hakulinen Pahkala Rovio Hutri Raitakari Pulkki-Råback

The association between physical activity, self-efficacy, stress self-management and mental health among adolescents.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Zhang Feng Zhao Zhao Li

Acute effects of different Tai Chi practice protocols on cardiac autonomic modulation.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Duan Wang Li Li Wu

Diffusion tensor imaging of white-matter structural features of maltreating mothers and their associations with intergenerational chain of childhood abuse.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Kurata Nishitani Kawata Yao Fujisawa Okazawa Tomoda

The impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on mental health patient populations in the United States.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Ferwana Varshney

Mental health improvement after the COVID-19 pandemic in individuals with psychological distress.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Reutter Hutterer Gründahl Gall Dannlowski Domschke Leehr Lonsdorf Lueken Reif

Association of dietary live microbe intake with various cognitive domains in US adults aged 60 years or older.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Lv Li Wang Yang Yin Yang

Social capital and changes of psychologic distress during early stage of COVID-19 in New orleans.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Wu Doe Roude Wallace Francois Richardson Theall

Evidence for disrupted copper availability in human spinal cord supports Cu(atsm) as a treatment option for sporadic cases of ALS.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Hilton Kysenius Liddell Mercer Paul Beckman McLean White Donnelly Bush

Demographic, health, physical activity, and workplace factors are associated with lower healthy working life expectancy and life expectancy at age 50.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Lynch Bucknall Jagger Kingston Wilkie

Mediating roles of sleep quality and resilience in the relationships between chronotypes and mental health symptoms.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Poon Ho Tai Leung Chan Lau

"Influencing the influencers:" a field experimental approach to promoting effective mental health communication on TikTok.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Motta Liu Yarnell

Evaluating the effectiveness of a school-based mental health literacy intervention from a comprehensive demographic and social-cognitive perspective.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Wei Sha McWeeny Johal Easton Baxter Cao Greenshaw Carr

Impairments in the early consolidation of spatial memories via group II mGluR agonism in the mammillary bodies.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Milczarek Perry Amin Haniffa Hathaway Vann

Investigating the prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder among Jordanian adults with dermatologic and cosmetic concerns: a case-control study.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Murshidi Hammouri Al-Ani Kitaneh Al-Soleiti Al Ta'ani Sweis Halasa Fashho Arafah

A unidimensional short form of the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS-7) derived using item response theory.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Pretorius Padmanabhanunni

DSM-5 conduct disorder and symptoms in youths at high risk of psychosis in Kenya with DSM-5 mental disorders and substance use: towards integrated management.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2023

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2023

Authors & Co-authors:  Mamah Tyrer Nyamai Momanyi Musyimi Ndetei Mutiso

Students stress patterns in a Kenyan socio-cultural and economic context: toward a public health intervention.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2023

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2023

Authors & Co-authors:  Mutiso Ndetei Muia Musyimi Masake Osborn Sourander Weisz Mamah

A two-mediator serial mediation chain of the association between social isolation and impaired sleep in old age.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2022

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2022

Authors & Co-authors:  Gyasi Abass Segbefia Afriyie Asamoah Boampong Adam Owusu-Dabo

Infodemiological study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on increased headache incidences at the world level.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2022

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2022

Authors & Co-authors:  Tudor Sova

Network analysis of anxiety and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in older adults in the United Kingdom.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Ramos-Vera García O'Diana Basauri-Delgado Calizaya-Milla Saintila

Sequential mediation analysis of physical activity, healthy diet, BMI, and academic burnout in the Pakistani educational landscape.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Rehman Addas Rahman Shahiman Li

Analysis of post-market adverse events of istradefylline: a real-world study base on FAERS database.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Jiang Lu Zhou Shen Zhu

Cigarette craving in virtual reality cue exposure in abstainers and relapsed smokers.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Schröder Kroczek Kroczek Ehlis Batra Mühlberger

Signal mining and risk analysis of Alprazolam adverse events based on the FAERS database.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Huang San Liu Zhu Xu

Low to moderate prenatal alcohol exposure and neurodevelopment in a prospective cohort of early school aged children.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Muggli Halliday Hearps Nguyen Penington Thompson Spittle Forster Lewis Elliott

Exploring the relationship across autonomous motivation, affects, and anxiety among gym practitioners during the second COVID-19 lockdown.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Antunes Rodrigues Jacinto Amaro Matos Monteiro

Single-nucleus RNA velocity reveals critical synaptic and cell-cycle dysregulations in neuropathologically confirmed Alzheimer's disease.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Adewale Khan Bennett Iturria-Medina

Association between general self-efficacy and health literacy among stroke survivors 1-year post-discharge: a cross-sectional study.

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Scientific reports

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Hess Engström Flink Lindblom von Koch Ytterberg