Publications (165)
PEPFAR support of alcohol-HIV prevention activities in Namibia and Botswana: a framework for investigation, implementation and evaluation.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Using wearable activity trackers for research in the global south: Lessons learned from adolescent psychotherapy research in Kenya.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Co-developed implementation guidelines to maximize acceptability, feasibility, and usability of mobile phone supervision in Kenya.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Effective training practices for non-specialist providers to promote high-quality mental health intervention delivery: A narrative review with four case studies from Kenya, Ethiopia, and the United States.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Expanding mental health services in low- and middle-income countries: A task-shifting framework for delivery of comprehensive, collaborative, and community-based care.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Mental health literacy: Perspectives from Northern Kenya Turkana adolescents.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Interventions for adolescents and adults with psychosis in Africa: a systematic review and narrative synthesis.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Validating measures of stigma against those with mental illness among a community sample in Kilifi Kenya.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Longitudinal experiences and risk factors for common mental health problems and suicidal behaviours among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Is everyone invited to the discussion table? A bibliometric analysis COVID-19-related mental health literature.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Scaling up public mental health care in Sub-Saharan Africa: insights from infectious disease.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Impact of pandemic on mental health in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
A community health volunteer delivered problem-solving therapy mobile application based on the Friendship Bench 'Inuka Coaching' in Kenya: A pilot cohort study.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Conducting global mental health research: lessons learned from Kenya.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Disability, violence, and mental health among Somali refugee women in a humanitarian setting.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Barriers and facilitators of child and guardian attendance in task-shifted mental health services in schools in western Kenya.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Contextualizing and pilot testing the Mental Health Gap Action Programme Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG) to primary healthcare workers in Kilifi, Kenya.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
A qualitative evaluation of a brief multicomponent intervention provided by lay health workers for women affected by adversity in urban Kenya.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Exploring links between common mental health problems, alcohol/substance use and perpetration of intimate partner violence: A rapid ethnographic assessment with men in urban Kenya.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Local perceptions of the impact of group interpersonal psychotherapy in rural Uganda.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptom self-report in adults in Kenya and its associated risk factors, an analysis from a household survey in a demographic surveillance site.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Justice for George Floyd and a reckoning for global mental health.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Law enforcement and mental health clinician partnerships in global mental health: outcomes for the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model adaptation in Liberia, West Africa.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Recovering from the Ebola crisis: 'Social Reconnection Groups' in a rural Liberian community.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
The myth of the 1-day training: the effectiveness of psychosocial support capacity-building during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Playing to live: outcome evaluation of a community-based psychosocial expressive arts program for children during the Liberian Ebola epidemic.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
The impact of the 2014 Ebola virus disease outbreak in Liberia on parent preferences for harsh discipline practices: a quasi-experimental, pre-post design.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Parents make the difference: a randomized-controlled trial of a parenting intervention in Liberia.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Exploring potential mental health spillover effects among caregivers and partners of youth in Sierra Leone: A qualitative study.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Expressions of psychological distress in Sierra Leone: implications for community-based prevention and response.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Maintenance of intervention effects: long-term outcomes for participants in a group talk-therapy trial in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Impact of the Healing in Harmony program on women's mental health in a rural area in South Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
The relationship between parent mental health and intimate partner violence on adolescent behavior, stigma and school attendance in families in rural Democratic Republic of Congo.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Latent class analysis of violence against adolescents and psychosocial outcomes in refugee settings in Uganda and Rwanda.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Economic, social and mental health impacts of an economic intervention for female sexual violence survivors in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Psychological impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers: cross-sectional analyses from 14 countries.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Women's mental health in Mozambique: is maternity a protective factor?
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Prevalence of mental distress in adults with and without a history of tuberculosis in an urban Zambian community.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
Two-year treatment effects of the common elements treatment approach (CETA) for reducing intimate partner violence and unhealthy alcohol use in Zambia.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year:
When less is more: reducing redundancy in mental health and psychosocial instruments using Item Response Theory.
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication date:
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Publication Year: