Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publications (47)

Fighting with Spirits: Migration Trauma, Acculturative Stress, and New Sibling Transition-A Clinical Case Study of an 8-Year-Old Girl with Absence Epilepsy.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2016

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2016

Authors & Co-authors:  Chartonas Bose

Introduction: Student Experiences of COVID-19 Around the Globe: Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Wurtz Mason Willen

In Their Own Words: Using Open-Ended Assessment to Identify Culturally Relevant Concerns among Kenyan Adolescents.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2022

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2022

Authors & Co-authors:  Wasil Venturo-Conerly Gillespie Osborn Weisz

Mental Health Outcomes of Psychosocial Intervention Among Traditional Health Practitioner Depressed Patients in Kenya.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors:  Musyimi Mutiso Ndetei Henderson Bunders

Crime or affliction? Rape in an African community.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 1980

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 1980

Authors & Co-authors:  Levine

The Eschucha (Listen) Podcast Project: Psychosocial Innovation for Marginalized Mexican Youth and Young Adults.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Márquez Rodríguez

"My Heart Die in Me": Idioms of Distress and the Development of a Screening Tool for Mental Suffering in Southeast Liberia.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors:  Fabian Fannoh Washington Geninyan Nyachienga Cyrus Hallowanger Beste Rao Wagenaar

Trauma and humanitarian translation in Liberia: the tale of open mole.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2010

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2010

Authors & Co-authors:  Abramowitz

Epilepsy: the myth of a contagious disease.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 1990

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 1990

Authors & Co-authors:  Awaritefe A A

'I am dying of man': the pathology of pollution.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 1980

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 1980

Authors & Co-authors:  Frankel S S

Dusukasi-The Heart That Cries: An Idiom of Mental Distress Among Perinatal Women in Rural Mali.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2019

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2019

Authors & Co-authors:  Lasater Molly E ME Beebe Madeleine M Warren Nicole E NE Souko Fatoumata F Keita Mariam M Murray Sarah M SM Bass Judith K JK Surkan Pamela J PJ Winch Peter J PJ

"How Can We Help You": Mental Health Practitioners' Experiences of Service Provision in Northern Namibia.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors:  Bartholomew Theodore T TT Gentz Shelene G SG

"How I Floated on Gentle Webs of Being": Psychiatrists Stories About the Mental Health Treatment Gap in Africa.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2017

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2017

Authors & Co-authors:  Cooper Sara S

From posttrauma intervention to immunization of the social body: pragmatics and politics of a resilience program in Israel's periphery.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2011

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2011

Authors & Co-authors:  Friedman-Peleg Keren K Goodman Yehuda C YC

Psychiatric case finding in Ethiopia: shortcomings of the Self Reporting Questionnaire.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 1991

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 1991

Authors & Co-authors:  Kortmann F F

Medical Education and the Stigmatization of Mental Illness in the Philippines.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors:  Taguibao Candice C Rosenheck Robert R

Rights as Relationships: Collaborating with Faith Healers in Community Mental Health in Ghana.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors:  Read Ursula M UM

Genealogies and Anthropologies of Global Mental Health.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors:  Lovell Anne M AM Read Ursula M UM Lang Claudia C

Medical Student Attitudes Towards People with Mental Illness in China: A Qualitative Study.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors:  Luo Audrey A He Hongbo H Mohamed Somaia S Rosenheck Robert R

Explanatory Models of (Mental) Health Among Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Belgium: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions and Practices.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2023

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2023

Authors & Co-authors:  Apers Hanne H Nöstlinger Christiana C Van Praag Lore L

Discourses of Involuntary Care in the South African Psy-Complex.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2023

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2023

Authors & Co-authors:  Freeman Alex A Graham Tanya T

"Thinking Too Much": A Systematic Review of the Idiom of Distress in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors:  Backe Emma Louise EL Bosire Edna N EN Kim Andrew Wooyoung AW Mendenhall Emily E

Traditional Healers and Mental Health in Nepal: A Scoping Review.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors:  Pham Tony V TV Kaiser Bonnie N BN Koirala Rishav R Maharjan Sujen Man SM Upadhaya Nawaraj N Franz Lauren L Kohrt Brandon A BA

Finding "What Works": Theory of Change, Contingent Universals, and Virtuous Failure in Global Mental Health.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors:  Bemme Dörte D

How to Fail a Scale: Reflections on a Failed Attempt to Assess Resilience.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2019

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2019

Authors & Co-authors:  Mendenhall Emily E Kim Andrew Wooyoung AW

Finding Common Ground in the Context of Difference: A South African Case Study.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2019

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2019

Authors & Co-authors:  Coetzee Ockert O Adnams Colleen C Swartz Leslie L

Mental Health Diagnostic Frameworks, Imputed Causes of Mental Illness, and Alternative Treatments in Northern Tanzania: Exploring Mental Health Providers' Perspectives.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors:  Knettel Brandon A BA Rugira Janvier J Cornett Joseph A JA

Mental Ill Health, Recovery and the Family Assemblage.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors:  Price-Robertson Rhys R Manderson Lenore L Duff Cameron C

A Transcultural Model of the Centrality of "Thinking a Lot" in Psychopathologies Across the Globe and the Process of Localization: A Cambodian Refugee Example.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2017

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2017

Authors & Co-authors:  Hinton Devon E DE Barlow David H DH Reis Ria R de Jong Joop J

Motherhood and the "Madness of Hunger": "...Want Almal Vra vir My vir 'n Stukkie Brood" ("...Because Everyone Asks Me for a Little Piece of Bread").

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2016

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2016

Authors & Co-authors:  Kruger Lou-Marié LM Lourens Marleen M

"Thinking a Lot" Among the Khwe of South Africa: A Key Idiom of Personal and Interpersonal Distress.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2017

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2017

Authors & Co-authors:  den Hertog T N TN de Jong M M van der Ham A J AJ Hinton D D Reis R R

The invisibility of informal interpreting in mental health care in South Africa: notes towards a contextual understanding.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2015

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2015

Authors & Co-authors:  Swartz Leslie L Kilian Sanja S

The politics of black patients' identity: ward-rounds on the 'black side' of a South African psychiatric hospital.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 1991

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 1991

Authors & Co-authors:  Swartz L L

Healing and transculturation in Xhosa Zionist practice.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 1984

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 1984

Authors & Co-authors:  Edwards F S FS

Measuring and Understanding Depression in Women in Kisoro, Uganda.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2019

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2019

Authors & Co-authors:  Fischer Michael M Ramaswamy Rohit R Fischer-Flores Luz L Mugisha Grace G

Class-Based Chronicities of Suffering and Seeking Help: Comparing Addiction Treatment Programs in Uganda.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors:  Vorhölter Julia J

Pharmaceuticals as folk medicine: transformations in the social relations of health care in Uganda.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 1992

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 1992

Authors & Co-authors:  Whyte S R SR

The effect of cultural conceptions on therapy: a comparative study of patients in Israeli psychiatric clinics.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 1984

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 1984

Authors & Co-authors:  Minuchin-Itzigsohn S D SD Ben-Shaoul R R Weingrod A A Krasilowsky D D

Falling, Dying Sheep, and the Divine: Notes on Thick Therapeutics in Peri-Urban Senegal.

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Culture, medicine and psychiatry

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors:  Lovell Anne M AM Diagne Papa Mamadou PM