Publications (8)
Early Childhood Income Instability and Mental Health in Adolescence: Parenting Stress and Child Maltreatment as Mediators.
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication date:
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication Year:
Partner Cooperation, Conflict, Maternal Mental Health, and Parenting Behaviors in Rural Kenya: Towards a Two-Generational Understanding of Gender Transformation Benefits.
Journal: International journal on child maltreatment : research, policy and practice
Publication date:
Journal: International journal on child maltreatment : research, policy and practice
Publication Year:
Providing Clinical Psychology Training and Trauma-Focused Treatment via Telehealth During COVID-19.
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication date:
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication Year:
Prevalence of Diverse Genders and Sexualities in Australia and Associations With Five Forms of Child Maltreatment and Multi-type Maltreatment.
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication date:
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication Year:
The Development of Young Peoples' Internalising and Externalising Difficulties Over the First Three-Years in the Public Care System.
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication Year: 2022
The Prevalence and Patterns of Maltreatment, Childhood Adversity, and Mental Health Disorders in an Australian Out-Of-Home Care Sample.
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication date:
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication Year:
The Prevalence and Patterns of Maltreatment, Childhood Adversity, and Mental Health Disorders in an Australian Out-Of-Home Care Sample.
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication date:
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication Year:
Dimensions of Child Maltreatment in Australians With a History of Out-of-Home Care.
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication date:
Journal: Child maltreatment
Publication Year: