Publications (11)
The treatment of posttraumatic stress symptoms and aggression in female former child soldiers using adapted Narrative Exposure therapy - a RCT in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year: 2020
Mechanisms of change for a family intervention in Kenya: An Integrated Clinical and Implementation Mapping approach.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year: 2022
Single-session interventions for adolescent anxiety and depression symptoms in Kenya: A cluster-randomized controlled trial.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year: 2022
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex activation and neurofeedback modulation during episodic future thinking for individuals with suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date:
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year:
Optimizing indicated cognitive behavioral therapy to prevent child anxiety and depression: A cluster-randomized factorial trial.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date:
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year:
Reciprocal effects between negative affect and emotion regulation in daily life.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date:
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year:
Task-sharing of psychological treatment for antenatal depression in Khayelitsha, South Africa: Effects on antenatal and postnatal outcomes in an individual randomised controlled trial.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year: 2021
Global mental health and its social determinants: How should we intervene?
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date: 2023
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year: 2023
The effect of attachment security priming and oxytocin on physiological responses to trauma films and subsequent intrusions.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year: 2021
Improving mental health in low-resource settings: A feasibility randomized controlled trial of a transdiagnostic psychological intervention among Burundian refugee adolescents and their caregivers.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year: 2021
Comparative effectiveness of remote digital gamified and group CBT skills training interventions for anxiety and depression among college students: Results of a three-arm randomised controlled trial.
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication date:
Journal: Behaviour research and therapy
Publication Year: