Publications (37)
Psychosocial impacts, preventive behaviours, and concerns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic for pregnant and non-pregnant women: A matched analysis from the International iCARE Study.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date:
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year:
Shifting the paradigm in how we assess and treat perinatal psychopathology.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date:
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year:
Effectiveness of a brief psychoeducational intervention on postnatal depression in the slums, Nairobi: a longitudinal study.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2021
Prevalence of depression among women with obstetric fistula in low-income African countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2021
The interplay between X-chromosome functional dosage and circadian regulation in females.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date:
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year:
Racism-related stress and mental health among black women living in Los Angeles County, California: A comparison of postpartum mood and anxiety disorder screening scales.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date:
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year:
Digital screening for mental health in pregnancy and postpartum: A systematic review.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date:
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year:
Exploring parenthood in first episode of psychosis: the potential role of the offspring in the outcome of women.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date:
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year:
Socio-demographic determinants of intimate partner violence in Angola: a cross-sectional study of nationally representative survey data.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2024
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2024
Correlates of postpartum common mental disorders: results from a population-based study in Amhara region, Ethiopia.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2018
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2018
Between life and death: exploring the sociocultural context of antenatal mental distress in rural Ethiopia.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2011
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2011
Perceived stress during the prenatal period: assessing measurement invariance of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) across cultures and birth parity.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2022
Prevalence and correlates of depression among pregnant adolescents in primary maternal care in Nigeria.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2022
Gender difference in the point prevalence, symptoms, comorbidity, and correlates of depression: findings from the Lagos State Mental Health Survey (LSMHS), Nigeria.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2019
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2019
Impact of intimate partner violence on anxiety and depression amongst women in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2013
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2013
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder amongst Nigerian university students: prevalence, comorbid conditions, and correlates.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2008
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2008
Anxiety disorders among Nigerian women in late pregnancy: a controlled study.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2007
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2007
The course of anxiety and depressive symptoms in Nigerian postpartum women.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2006
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2006
Change in emotional distress, anxiety, depression and PTSD from pre- to post-flood exposure in women residing in low-income settings in South Africa.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2024
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2024
Pathways to adverse pregnancy outcomes: exploring the mediating role of intimate partner violence and depression: results from a South African rape cohort study.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2023
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2023
The Shared Pleasure Paradigm: A study in an observational birth cohort in South Africa.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2022
Perinatal suicidality: prevalence and correlates in a South African birth cohort.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2021
Effectiveness of psychological interventions to reduce alcohol consumption among pregnant and postpartum women: a systematic review.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2021
Transition to parenthood and mental health at 30 years: a prospective comparison of mothers and fathers in a large Brazilian birth cohort.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2020
A randomized controlled trial of a computer-based brief intervention for victimized perinatal women seeking mental health treatment.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2020
Risk factors for unplanned pregnancy in women with mental illness living in a developing country.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2018
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2018
Prevalence and predictors of anxiety disorders amongst low-income pregnant women in urban South Africa: a cross-sectional study.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2018
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2018
Perinatal suicidal ideation and behaviour: psychiatry and adversity.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2017
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2017
Maternal depression research: socioeconomic analysis and density-equalizing mapping of the global research architecture.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2017
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2017
Maladaptive coping mediates the influence of childhood trauma on depression and PTSD among pregnant women in South Africa.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2015
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2015
Auto-Caesarean section: a review of 22 cases.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2014
Screening and pathways to maternal mental health care in a South African antenatal setting.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2013
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2013
Should childbirth be considered a stressor sufficient to meet the criteria for PTSD?
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2010
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2010
Validity of the Kessler 10 (K-10) in detecting DSM-IV defined mood and anxiety disorders among pregnant women.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2009
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2009
Women's mental health: acute impact of COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2021
Validation of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale among women in a high HIV prevalence area in urban Zimbabwe.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date: 2010
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: 2010
Mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: An international comparison of gender-related home and work-related responsibilities, and social support.
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication date:
Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year: