Archives of women's mental health

Publications (37)

Psychosocial impacts, preventive behaviours, and concerns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic for pregnant and non-pregnant women: A matched analysis from the International iCARE Study.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Séguin Suarthana Okun Atoui Lavoie Herba

Shifting the paradigm in how we assess and treat perinatal psychopathology.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Sharma

Effectiveness of a brief psychoeducational intervention on postnatal depression in the slums, Nairobi: a longitudinal study.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors:  Kariuki Kuria Were Ndetei

Prevalence of depression among women with obstetric fistula in low-income African countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors:  Duko Wolka Seyoum Tantu

The interplay between X-chromosome functional dosage and circadian regulation in females.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Moysés-Oliveira Andersen Tufik

Racism-related stress and mental health among black women living in Los Angeles County, California: A comparison of postpartum mood and anxiety disorder screening scales.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Floyd James Chen Hindra Gray Robinson Tobin Choi Saint Arnault

Digital screening for mental health in pregnancy and postpartum: A systematic review.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Clarke Gibson Savaglio Navani Mousa Boyle

Socio-demographic determinants of intimate partner violence in Angola: a cross-sectional study of nationally representative survey data.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Skandro Simona S Abio Anne A Baernighausen Till T Lowery Wilson Michael M

Between life and death: exploring the sociocultural context of antenatal mental distress in rural Ethiopia.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2011

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2011

Authors & Co-authors:  Hanlon Charlotte C Whitley Rob R Wondimagegn Dawit D Alem Atalay A Prince Martin M

Prevalence and correlates of depression among pregnant adolescents in primary maternal care in Nigeria.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2022

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2022

Authors & Co-authors:  Oladeji Bibilola D BD Bello Toyin T Ayinde Olatunde O Idowu Phillip P Gureje Oye O

Impact of intimate partner violence on anxiety and depression amongst women in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2013

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2013

Authors & Co-authors:  Mapayi Boladale B Makanjuola R O A RO Mosaku S K SK Adewuya O A OA Afolabi O O Aloba O O OO Akinsulore A A

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder amongst Nigerian university students: prevalence, comorbid conditions, and correlates.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2008

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2008

Authors & Co-authors:  Adewuya A O AO Loto O M OM Adewumi T A TA

Anxiety disorders among Nigerian women in late pregnancy: a controlled study.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2007

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2007

Authors & Co-authors:  Adewuya A O AO Ola B A BA Aloba O O OO Mapayi B M BM

The course of anxiety and depressive symptoms in Nigerian postpartum women.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2006

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2006

Authors & Co-authors:  Adewuya A O AO Afolabi O T OT

Change in emotional distress, anxiety, depression and PTSD from pre- to post-flood exposure in women residing in low-income settings in South Africa.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Nöthling J J Gibbs A A Washington L L Gigaba S G SG Willan S S Abrahams N N Jewkes R R

The Shared Pleasure Paradigm: A study in an observational birth cohort in South Africa.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2022

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2022

Authors & Co-authors:  Lachman Anusha A Jordaan Esme R ER Stern Micky M Donald Kirsten A KA Hoffman Nadia N Lake Marilyn T MT Zar Heather J HJ Niehaus Dana J H DJH Puura Kaija K Stein Dan J DJ

Perinatal suicidality: prevalence and correlates in a South African birth cohort.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors:  Maré Karen T KT Pellowski Jennifer A JA Koopowitz Sheri-Michelle SM Hoffman Nadia N van der Westhuizen Claire C Workman Lesley L Zar Heather J HJ Stein Dan J DJ

Effectiveness of psychological interventions to reduce alcohol consumption among pregnant and postpartum women: a systematic review.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors:  Samawi Luma L Williams Petal Petersen PP Myers Bronwyn B Fuhr Daniela C DC

A randomized controlled trial of a computer-based brief intervention for victimized perinatal women seeking mental health treatment.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors:  Zlotnick Caron C Tzilos Wernette Golfo G Raker Christina A CA

Risk factors for unplanned pregnancy in women with mental illness living in a developing country.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors:  du Toit Elsa E Jordaan Esme E Niehaus Dana D Koen Liezl L Leppanen Jukka J

Prevalence and predictors of anxiety disorders amongst low-income pregnant women in urban South Africa: a cross-sectional study.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors:  van Heyningen Thandi T Honikman Simone S Myer Landon L Onah Michael N MN Field Sally S Tomlinson Mark M

Perinatal suicidal ideation and behaviour: psychiatry and adversity.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2017

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2017

Authors & Co-authors:  Onah Michael Nnachebe MN Field Sally S Bantjes Jason J Honikman Simone S

Maladaptive coping mediates the influence of childhood trauma on depression and PTSD among pregnant women in South Africa.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2015

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2015

Authors & Co-authors:  Choi Karmel W KW Sikkema Kathleen J KJ Velloza Jennifer J Marais Adele A Jose Cicyn C Stein Dan J DJ Watt Melissa H MH Joska John A JA

Auto-Caesarean section: a review of 22 cases.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2014

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2014

Authors & Co-authors:  Szabó András A Brockington Ian I

Screening and pathways to maternal mental health care in a South African antenatal setting.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2013

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2013

Authors & Co-authors:  Vythilingum B B Field S S Kafaar Z Z Baron E E Stein D J DJ Sanders L L Honikman S S

Should childbirth be considered a stressor sufficient to meet the criteria for PTSD?

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2010

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2010

Authors & Co-authors:  Vythilingum Bavanisha B

Validity of the Kessler 10 (K-10) in detecting DSM-IV defined mood and anxiety disorders among pregnant women.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2009

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2009

Authors & Co-authors:  Spies G G Stein D J DJ Roos A A Faure S C SC Mostert J J Seedat S S Vythilingum B B

Women's mental health: acute impact of COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence.

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Archives of women's mental health

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors:  Sediri Sabrine S Zgueb Yosra Y Ouanes Sami S Ouali Uta U Bourgou Soumaya S Jomli Rabaa R Nacef Fethi F