, Houston, USA.

Publications (9)

Family as a Pathway to Suicidal Behaviors Through Depression Symptoms and Internalized Homophobia.

Journal: Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities

Publication date: 

Journal: Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Boyd Sterrett-Hong Scott Allen Smith Quinn

Healthcare Cost Burden and Self-Reported Frequency of Depressive/Anxious Feelings in Older Adults.

Journal: Journal of gerontological social work

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Journal of gerontological social work

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Choi Marti Choi Kunik

Factors influencing the length of stay in forensic psychiatric settings: a systematic review.

Journal: BMC health services research

Publication date: 2024

Journal: BMC health services research

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Dima Wazir Clark-Castillo Zakopoulos Smith Gaughran