Publications (26)
Gender-based violence and its association with mental ...
Journal: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (JECH)
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (JECH)
Publication Year: 2021
Health trends, inequalities and opportunities in South Africa's ...
Journal: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (JECH)
Publication date: 2022
Journal: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (JECH)
Publication Year: 2022
Health trends, inequalities and opportunities in South Africa's provinces, 1990-2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date:
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year:
Gender-based violence and its association with mental health among Somali women in a Kenyan refugee camp: a latent class analysis.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date:
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year:
Long COVID and financial outcomes: evidence from four longitudinal population surveys.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date:
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year:
Depression, adherence and attrition from care in HIV-infected adults receiving antiretroviral therapy.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2016
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2016
Labour market marginalisation among refugees from different countries of birth: a prospective cohort study on refugees to Sweden.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2020
Maternal mental health, and child growth and development, in four low-income and middle-income countries.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2016
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2016
Food insecurity, stressful life events and symptoms of anxiety and depression in east Africa: evidence from the Gilgel Gibe growth and development study.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2009
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2009
Maternal mental health and child nutritional status in four developing countries.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2006
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2006
Ageing trajectories of health-longitudinal opportunities and synergies (ATHLOS) Healthy Ageing Scale in adults from 16 international cohorts representing 38 countries worldwide.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2021
Relationship between children's cognitions and later educational progress in rural South Africa: a longitudinal study.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2020
Community collective efficacy is associated with reduced physical intimate partner violence (IPV) incidence in the rural province of Mpumalanga, South Africa: findings from HPTN 068.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2020
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2020
Physical, emotional and sexual adolescent abuse victimisation in South Africa: prevalence, incidence, perpetrators and locations.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date:
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year:
Threats of dismissal and symptoms of major depression: a study using repeat measures in the Swedish working population.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2016
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2016
Men's exposure to human rights violations and relations with perpetration of intimate partner violence in South Africa.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2012
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2012
Household food insufficiency and mental health in South Africa.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2011
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2011
The mental health impact of AIDS-related mortality in South Africa: a national study.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2010
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2010
Social and economic correlates of depressive symptoms and perceived stress in South African adults.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2008
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2008
Postwar environment and long-term mental health problems in former child soldiers in Northern Uganda: the WAYS study.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2016
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2016
Family economic empowerment and mental health among AIDS-affected children living in AIDS-impacted communities: evidence from a randomised evaluation in southwestern Uganda.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2014
Factors associated with the health status of internally displaced persons in northern Uganda.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2009
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2009
Reply to 'On the association of cell phone exposure with childhood behaviour' by Sudan et al.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 2014
Predicting postnatal mental disorder with a screening questionnaire: a prospective cohort study from Zimbabwe.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date: 1998
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: 1998
Coming to terms with climate change: a glossary for climate change impacts on mental health and well-being.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date:
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year:
Impact of family childhood adversity on risk of violence and involvement with police in adolescence: findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study.
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication date:
Journal: Journal of epidemiology and community health
Publication Year: