Irish journal of psychological medicine

Publications (4)

Turning 18 in mental health services: a multicountry qualitative study of service user experiences and views.

Journal: Irish journal of psychological medicine

Publication date: 

Journal: Irish journal of psychological medicine

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Boonstra Leijdesdorff Street Holme van Bodegom Franić Appleton Tah Tuomainen Tomljenovic

The impact of fluphenazine withdrawal: a mirror-image study.

Journal: Irish journal of psychological medicine

Publication date: 

Journal: Irish journal of psychological medicine

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Meehan Moran Rainford McDonald Hallahan

Psychiatry as a specialization: influential factors and gender differences among medical students in a low- to middle-income country.

Journal: Irish journal of psychological medicine

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Irish journal of psychological medicine

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors:  Agyapong V I O VIO Owusu-Antwi R R Ritchie A A Agyapong-Opoku G G Khinda H H Hrabok M M Ohene S S Ulzen T T Osei A A

Gender-based provisions in mental health legislation: a review of English language jurisdictions.

Journal: Irish journal of psychological medicine

Publication date: 

Journal: Irish journal of psychological medicine

Publication Year: 

Authors & Co-authors:  Hoare Fiona F Murphy Niamh N O'Donoghue Ann A Allen Siobhan S Duffy Richard M RM