Child abuse

Publications (112)

Age at first exposure to violence and later mental health outcomes: A sex-disaggregated, multi-country analysis in sub-Saharan Africa

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2022

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2022

Authors & Co-authors: 

Parenting-related positive childhood experiences, adverse childhood experiences, and mental health-Four sub-Saharan African countries

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors: 

Engaging community voices to assess Kenya's strengths and limitations to support a child maltreatment prevention program

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors: 

Prevalence, incidence and chronicity of child abuse among orphaned, separated, and street-connected children and adolescents in western Kenya: What is the impact of care environment?

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2023

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2023

Authors & Co-authors: 

Prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders in commercially sexual exploited children: A cross-sectional study in Mombasa, Kenya

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors: 

Approaches for measuring cumulative childhood adversity: A study of youth from 5 sub-Saharan African countries

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors: 

Parental absence as an adverse childhood experience among young adults in sub-Saharan Africa

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors: 

Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and their associations with mental distress, substance use and sexual risk behaviors in Sub-Saharan Africa

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors: 

Maltreatment in childhood and intimate partner violence: A latent class growth analysis in a South African pregnancy cohort

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors: 

The contribution of different forms of violence exposure to internalizing and externalizing symptoms among young South African adolescents

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2015

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2015

Authors & Co-authors: 

Gender patterns in the contribution of different types of violence to posttraumatic stress symptoms among South African urban youth

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2013

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2013

Authors & Co-authors: 

Children's experiences of corporal punishment: A qualitative study in an urban township of South Africa

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2015

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2015

Authors & Co-authors: 

Adaptation and psychometric properties of the ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool for use in trials (ICAST-Trial) among South African adolescents and their primary caregivers

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors: 

Sexual abuse but not posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with neurocognitive deficits in South African traumatized adolescents

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors: 

Moderators of treatment effects in a child maltreatment prevention programme in South Africa

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors: 

Prevalence of childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and associations with mental distress in Cambodia, Malawi and Nigeria: A cross-sectional study

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors: 

Coerced and forced sexual initiation and its association with negative health outcomes among youth: Results from the Nigeria, Uganda, and Zambia Violence Against Children Surveys

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2019

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2019

Authors & Co-authors: 

Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-SF): Dimensionality, validity, reliability and gender invariance among Nigerian adolescents

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors: 

Emotional violence in childhood and health conditions, risk-taking behaviors, and violence perpetration among young adults in Nigeria

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors: 

Street children: a comparative perspective

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 1999

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 1999

Authors & Co-authors: 

From entertainment to extortion: Tunisian children's online experiences

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2023

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2023

Authors & Co-authors: 

Child maltreatment and NR3C1 exon 1(F) methylation, link with deregulated hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and psychopathology: A systematic review

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors: 

Do parenting behaviors intended as discipline vary by household religious affiliation in Cameroon?

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2023

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2023

Authors & Co-authors: 

Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2019

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2019

Authors & Co-authors: 

Adverse childhood experiences, mental distress, self-harm and suicidality, and cumulative HIV risk by sex in Lesotho

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors: 

Experiences and responses of child protection professionals during COVID-19: Lessons learned from professionals around the globe

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors: 

Externalizing problems mediate the relation between teacher and peer violence and lower school performance

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2023

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2023

Authors & Co-authors: 

Psychopathology mediates between maltreatment and memory functioning in Burundian refugee youth

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2021

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2021

Authors & Co-authors: 

Corporal punishment and children's externalizing problems: a cross-sectional study of Tanzanian primary school aged children

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2014

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2014

Authors & Co-authors: 

[Psychosocial aspects of infanticide in black Africa: the case of Senegal]

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2000

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2000

Authors & Co-authors: 

The mediating role of stigmatization in the mental health of adolescent victims of sexual violence in Eastern Congo

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2014

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2014

Authors & Co-authors: 

The prevalence of emotional abuse in children living in Sub-Saharan Africa - A systematic review

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2023

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2023

Authors & Co-authors: 

Assessing the factor structure of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and cumulative effect of abuse and neglect on mental health among adolescents in conflict-affected Burundi

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2017

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2017

Authors & Co-authors: 

Featured counter-trafficking program: Love146

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication date: 2020

Journal: Child Abuse Negl

Publication Year: 2020

Authors & Co-authors: 

Assessing the factor structure of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and cumulative effect of abuse and neglect on mental health among adolescents in conflict-affected Burundi.

Journal: Child abuse & neglect

Publication date: 2018

Journal: Child abuse & neglect

Publication Year: 2018

Authors & Co-authors:  Charak de Jong Berckmoes Ndayisaba Reis

The mediating role of stigmatization in the mental health of adolescent victims of sexual violence in Eastern Congo.

Journal: Child abuse & neglect

Publication date: 2015

Journal: Child abuse & neglect

Publication Year: 2015

Authors & Co-authors:  Verelst De Schryver De Haene Broekaert Derluyn

Prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders in commercially sexual exploited children: A cross-sectional study in Mombasa, Kenya.

Journal: Child abuse & neglect

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Child abuse & neglect

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Manguro Kaloki Temmerman Maina Kithinji Githinji Olum Kiio Mwangi Sidi

Approaches for measuring cumulative childhood adversity: A study of youth from 5 sub-Saharan African countries.

Journal: Child abuse & neglect

Publication date: 2024

Journal: Child abuse & neglect

Publication Year: 2024

Authors & Co-authors:  Annor Dube Matthews Gilbert