Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year:
Authors & Co-authors: Eugene Dominique D Nöthling Jani J Tarsitani Lorenzo L Palantza Christina C Papola Davide D Barbui Corrado C Bryant Richard R Panter-Brick Catherine C Hall Brian J BJ Lam Agnes Iok Fok AIF
Journal: Harvard review of psychiatry
Publication Year: 2012
Authors & Co-authors: Tol Wietse A WA Patel Vikram V Tomlinson Mark M Baingana Florence F Galappatti Ananda A Silove Derrick D Sondorp Egbert E van Ommeren Mark M Wessells Michael G MG Panter-Brick Catherine C
Journal: BMC psychiatry
Publication Year: 2022
Authors & Co-authors: Tarsitani Lorenzo L Pinucci Irene I Tedeschi Federico F Patanè Martina M Papola Davide D Palantza Christina C Acarturk Ceren C Björkenstam Emma E Bryant Richard R Burchert Sebastian S
Journal: BMJ mental health
Publication Year: 2023
Authors & Co-authors: Li Gen G Li Yifan Y Lam Agnes Iok Fong AIF Tang Weiming W Seedat Soraya S Barbui Corrado C Papola Davide D Panter-Brick Catherine C Waerden Judith van der JV Bryant Richard R
Journal: Conflict and health
Authors & Co-authors: Tol Wietse A WA Ager Alastair A Bizouerne Cecile C Bryant Richard R El Chammay Rabih R Colebunders Robert R García-Moreno Claudia C Hamdani Syed Usman SU James Leah E LE Jansen Stefan C J SCJ