Journal: The American journal of gastroenterology
Publication Year:
Authors & Co-authors: Murnane Pamela M PM Afshar Majid M Chamie Gabriel G Cook Robert L RL Ferguson Tekeda T Haque Lamia Y LY Jacobson Karen R KR Justice Amy C AC Kim Theresa W TW Khalili Mandana M
Journal: Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research
Publication Year: 2021
Authors & Co-authors: Hahn Judith A JA Murnane Pamela M PM Vittinghoff Eric E Muyindike Winnie R WR Emenyonu Nneka I NI Fatch Robin R Chamie Gabriel G Haberer Jessica E JE Francis Joel M JM Kapiga Saidi S
Journal: Journal of the International AIDS Society
Publication Year: 2020
Authors & Co-authors: Yotebieng Marcel M Brazier Ellen E Addison Diane D Kimmel April D AD Cornell Morna M Keiser Olivia O Parcesepe Angela M AM Onovo Amobi A Lancaster Kathryn E KE Castelnuovo Barbara B