Journal: BMJ open
Publication Year: 2024
Authors & Co-authors: Ayiku Roberta Naa Barkey RNB Jahan Yasmin Y Adjei-Banuah Nhyira Yaw NY Antwi Edward E Awini Elizabeth E Ohene Sammy S Agyepong Irene Akua IA Mirzoev Tolib T Amoakoh-Coleman Mary M
Journal: Health policy and planning
Publication Year:
Authors & Co-authors: Yevoo Linda Lucy LL Manzano Ana A Gyimah Leveana L Kane Sumit S Awini Elizabeth E Danso-Appiah Anthony A Agyepong Irene A IA Mirzoev Tolib T
Journal: Frontiers in public health
Authors & Co-authors: Gyimah Leveana L Agyepong Irene Akua IA Owiredu David D Awini Elizabeth E Yevoo Linda Lucy LL Ashinyo Mary Eyram ME Aye Sorre Grace Emmanuelle Victoire SGEV Abbas Shazra S Cronin de Chavez Anna A Mirzoev Tolib T
Journal: JMIR research protocols
Authors & Co-authors: Adjei-Banuah Nhyira Yaw NY Ayiku Roberta Naa Barkey RNB Reichenberger Veronika V Sasu David D Mirzoev Tolib T Murphy Adrianna A Ohene Sammy S Antwi Edward E Agyepong Irene Akua IA
Journal: Public health in practice (Oxford, England)
Authors & Co-authors: Agyepong Irene A IA Agblevor Emelia E Odopey Selase S Addom Selasie S Enyimayew Afun Nana Efua NE Agyekum Mary Pomaa MP Asante Paapa Yaw PY Aye Grace Emmanuelle GE Darko Natasha N Diarra Aïssa A
Journal: PloS one
Publication Year: 2021
Authors & Co-authors: Mirzoev Tolib T Manzano Ana A Ha Bui Thi Thu BTT Agyepong Irene Akua IA Trang Do Thi Hanh DTH Danso-Appiah Anthony A Thi Le Minh LM Ashinyo Mary Eyram ME Vui Le Thi LT Gyimah Leveana L
Authors & Co-authors: Mirzoev Tolib T Cronin de Chavez Anna A Manzano Ana A Agyepong Irene Akua IA Ashinyo Mary Eyram ME Danso-Appiah Anthony A Gyimah Leveana L Yevoo Lucy L Awini Elizabeth E Ha Bui Thi Thu BTT
Publication Year: 2023
Authors & Co-authors: Awini Elizabeth E Agyepong Irene Akua IA Owiredu David D Gyimah Leveana L Ashinyo Mary Eyram ME Yevoo Linda Lucy LL Aye Sorre Grace Emmanuelle Victoire SGEV Abbas Shazra S Cronin de Chavez Anna A Kane Sumit S
Authors & Co-authors: Agblevor Emelia Afi EA Darko Natasha Afua NA Acquah Priscilla Ama PA Addom Selasie S Mirzoev Tolib T Agyepong Irene Akua IA
Journal: International journal of mental health systems
Publication Year: 2011
Authors & Co-authors: Omar Maye A MA Green Andrew T AT Bird Philippa K PK Mirzoev Tolib T Flisher Alan J AJ Kigozi Fred F Lund Crick C Mwanza Jason J Ofori-Atta Angela L AL