Journal: Journal of child and adolescent mental health
Publication Year: 2015
Authors & Co-authors: Rothon Catherine C Stansfeld Stephen A SA Mathews Cathy C Kleinhans Arlene A Clark Charlotte C Lund Crick C Flisher Alan J AJ
Journal: Systematic reviews
Publication Year: 2013
Authors & Co-authors: Mason-Jones Amanda J AJ Crisp Carolyn C Momberg Mariette M Koech Joy J De Koker Petra P Mathews Cathy C
Journal: AIDS care
Authors & Co-authors: Dewing Sarah S Mathews Cathy C Lurie Mark M Kagee Ashraf A Padayachee Trishanta T Lombard Carl C
Journal: BJPsych open
Publication Year:
Authors & Co-authors: Stansfeld Stephen A SA Rothon Catherine C Das-Munshi Jayati J Mathews Cathy C Adams Arlene A Clark Charlotte C Lund Crick C