Journal: BJPsych open
Publication Year:
Authors & Co-authors: Ghezae Fiyory Tzeggai FT Zungu Zonke Z John Ann A Abdinasir Kadra K Bhui Kamaldeep K Adebiyi Adenike A Creswell Cathy C
Journal: BMJ open
Publication Year: 2024
Authors & Co-authors: Sharp Tamsin H TH Chideya Yeukai Y Giuliani Alessandra A Hunt Xanthe X Tomlinson Mark M Seedat Soraya S Creswell Cathy C Fearon Pasco P Hamilton-Giachritsis Catherine C Hiller Rachel R
Journal: The lancet. Psychiatry
Publication Year: 2019
Authors & Co-authors: Creswell Cathy C Violato Mara M Fairbanks Hannah H White Elizabeth E Parkinson Monika M Abitabile Gemma G Leidi Alessandro A Cooper Peter J PJ
Journal: Journal of child & adolescent trauma
Authors & Co-authors: Williamson Victoria V Creswell Cathy C Butler Ian I Christie Hope H Halligan Sarah L SL
Journal: Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines
Authors & Co-authors: McKinnon Anna A Keers Robert R Coleman Jonathan R I JRI Lester Kathryn J KJ Roberts Susanna S Arendt Kristian K Bögels Susan M SM Cooper Peter P Creswell Cathy C Hartman Catharina A CA
Publication Year: 2021
Authors & Co-authors: Lawrence Peter J PJ Parkinson Monika M Jasper Bec B Creswell Cathy C Halligan Sarah L SL
Authors & Co-authors: Rashid Layla L Bauer Andreas A Bowes Lucy L Creswell Cathy C Halligan Sarah S
Authors & Co-authors: Krause Karolin R KR Chung Sophie S Adewuya Abiodun O AO Albano Anne Marie AM Babins-Wagner Rochelle R Birkinshaw Laura L Brann Peter P Creswell Cathy C Delaney Kathleen K Falissard Bruno B