Journal: Archives of women's mental health
Publication Year:
Authors & Co-authors: Eugene Dominique D Nöthling Jani J Tarsitani Lorenzo L Palantza Christina C Papola Davide D Barbui Corrado C Bryant Richard R Panter-Brick Catherine C Hall Brian J BJ Lam Agnes Iok Fok AIF
Journal: Global mental health (Cambridge, England)
Authors & Co-authors: Keyan Dharani D Hadzi-Pavlovic Dusan D Akhtar Aemal A Dawson Katie K Koyiet Phiona Naserian PN Bryant Richard R
Journal: European journal of psychotraumatology
Publication Year: 2022
Authors & Co-authors: Purgato Marianna M Tedeschi Federico F Turrini Giulia G Acartürk Ceren C Anttila Minna M Augustinavicious Jura J Baumgartner Josef J Bryant Richard R Churchill Rachel R Ilkkursun Zeynep Z
Journal: Journal of consulting and clinical psychology
Publication Year: 2023
Authors & Co-authors: Lakin Daniel P DP Cooper Samuel E SE Andersen Lena L Brown Felicity L FL Augustinavicius Jura L S JLS Carswell Kenneth K Leku Marx M Adaku Alex A Au Teresa T Bryant Richard R
Journal: Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines
Publication Year: 2021
Authors & Co-authors: de Haan Anke A Landolt Markus A MA Fried Eiko I EI Kleinke Kristian K Alisic Eva E Bryant Richard R Salmon Karen K Chen Sue-Huei SH Liu Shu-Tsen ST Dalgleish Tim T
Journal: Molecular psychiatry
Authors & Co-authors: Dennis Emily L EL Disner Seth G SG Fani Negar N Salminen Lauren E LE Logue Mark M Clarke Emily K EK Haswell Courtney C CC Averill Christopher L CL Baugh Lee A LA Bomyea Jessica J
Authors & Co-authors: Wang Xin X Xie Hong H Chen Tian T Cotton Andrew S AS Salminen Lauren E LE Logue Mark W MW Clarke-Rubright Emily K EK Wall John J Dennis Emily L EL O'Leary Brian M BM
Journal: BMC psychiatry
Authors & Co-authors: Tarsitani Lorenzo L Pinucci Irene I Tedeschi Federico F Patanè Martina M Papola Davide D Palantza Christina C Acarturk Ceren C Björkenstam Emma E Bryant Richard R Burchert Sebastian S
Journal: BMJ mental health
Authors & Co-authors: Li Gen G Li Yifan Y Lam Agnes Iok Fong AIF Tang Weiming W Seedat Soraya S Barbui Corrado C Papola Davide D Panter-Brick Catherine C Waerden Judith van der JV Bryant Richard R
Journal: Journal of affective disorders
Authors & Co-authors: Kogan Cary S CS Maj Mario M Rebello Tahilia J TJ Keeley Jared W JW Kulygina Maya M Matsumoto Chihiro C Robles Rebeca R Huang Jingjing J Zhong Na N Chakrabarti Subho S
Journal: Conflict and health
Authors & Co-authors: Tol Wietse A WA Ager Alastair A Bizouerne Cecile C Bryant Richard R El Chammay Rabih R Colebunders Robert R García-Moreno Claudia C Hamdani Syed Usman SU James Leah E LE Jansen Stefan C J SCJ